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AUXCT Process and Completion Options

Courses: There are 10 core courses with 7 courses discussed here** as given in the table below with their course codes and numbers:

Course Code              Course Name  Frequency             
502379    Workforce Resilience Training Every 5 years
Security Fundamentals Every 5 years
810015    Privacy at DHS / Protecting Personal Information            Every 5 years
810000    Sexual Harassment Prevention Every 5 years
502319    Civil Rights Awareness Every 5 years
502306     Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts 1 time only
BQ II **     Basic Qualification Course II 1 time only

Core Training BQ II applies to Auxiliarists enrolled after February 1, 2018, and must be completed in the online Auxiliary Classroom:

Methods of Completion: Because of the wide ranging capabilities of Auxiliarists, a variety of methods for taking the core training and establishing AUXDATA credit have been established as listed here:

  • Online using AUX-Classroom
  • Classroom Training (7039 form used for AUXDATA entry)

Classroom Training: Many Auxiliarists prefer the classroom environment with a certified Instructor leading the discussion. There are several ways an instructor can present the class:

  • Internet Connection Available: The instructor can log into AUX Classroom with their own account and project the online course on a screen.
  • Video Voice over Presentation: The instructor can previously download all the course videos and then project them from his computer to the classroom.
AUXDATA registration is done through the use of a 7039 form. The full course description should be stated in the "remarks" section of the form and no “course” boxes should be checked. Member name and ID number for each student is put on the form and the form is sent to an IS staff officer for registration. Completion of the 7039 form by the instructor is all the IS officer needs to update AUXDATA with credit for completing the AUXCT course(s) listed for each student.