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Telecom Division

Andrew Ely, Division Chief Telecommunications


The division is composed of four branches having responsibility for Coast Guard Support, Contingency Communications, Qualification and Training, and Program Integration.

Auxiliary Communications Program is the umbrella under which assets may be strategically combined to meet the requirements of the Coast Guard, the Auxiliary District Commodores, and the recreational boating public. More than 8,500 Telecommunications Operator qualified members participate in the program.

In addition to many important VHF (short range) communications missions that support recreational boating safety, the ACP directly supports the active duty Coast Guard with its Auxiliary HF (long range) capabilities. HF radio facilities are engaged in the 24/7 Auxiliary Monitoring Mission. This program is a key mechanism that provides the ability to gauge the effectiveness and quality of U.S. Coast Guard’s broadcasts within the U.S. 200-mile territorial limit.

Augmentation Communications supports the USCG Communications Command ,Sectors, and other Coast Guard commands that require additional coverage of HF/MF Digital Distress frequencies during storms, communications outages, and other disruptive events.



Auxiliary communications are not bound into a rigidly structured operational system but rather consist of fixed land stations, land mobile stations and direction finder stations that have been accepted by the Director of the Auxiliary as radio facilities. 


Division Staff Officer Job Descriptions

These are the job descriptions for Division level staff officer positions that support the National Directorate of Response activities.